As an integral part of our commitment to Good Corporate Citizenship, we at Sajjan India Limited (SIL), believe actively contributing to improving the quality of life of people in the communities, especially in the local areas around our business operations. We remain focussed in our endeavour of sustainable development, accelerated inclusive growth and social equity.
SIL continues to support several community welfare, health and educational activities, primarily in communities surrounding our establishments, both directly and through our trusts. Our efforts are focussed in the areas of providing healthcare, education and skilling, improvement of community infrastructure and sustainability interventions.
We will nurture a vibrant culture of volunteering in our aspiration to leverage our core competencies and managerial, technological capabilities for CSR. We strive to bring innovation to our initiatives and optimize their effectiveness while seeking to create a measurable impact of our activities.
Sajjan’s customer-focused purpose of ‘TRUST’ is reflected in the Company’s community-centred approach towards creating social change. Our work in the community is carried out through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arm of the Company. While our long-term goal remains to support Agenda 2030, as laid out by the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, we also address immediate challenges.
At Sajjan, our CSR programmes are in line with the CSR Policy of the Company, which is updated to include best-in-class governance mechanisms and statutory amendments.
The foundation works with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), government agencies, domain experts, visionaries and other philanthropic foundations to enhance the outreach of our CSR initiatives. It maintains the highest standards of compliance and due diligence with robust auditing and monitoring mechanisms.
Sajjan’s CSR arm works across four key CSR focus areas – health, education, upskilling, and environmental sustainability & disaster response – in India. In addition to the contribution towards these four key thematic areas, Sajjan has also undertaken initiatives to serve the community at large in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.